Mariana Baião Santos
Between London and Lisbon but mainly online, I’m a writer, curator and art advisor. Starting in art dabbling in fashion and eventually returning to the art world, I’ve worn many hats throughout my career but the love for writing, storytelling and digging through the surface of matters persisted.
Writing-wise my areas of focus fluctuate between art and lifestyle and fashion, oftentimes making a trip to the world of copywriting. In curating, I like dealing with themes on care, having greater interest in artist residencies and emerging artists, which translates in the non-profit I’ve co-founded, Corrente de Ar, my passion project.
Recently, I’ve been featured on British GQ giving advice on how to buy art and how to use Instagram to your benefit in the art sphere.
I like keeping an open mind to any type of project that can come my way, as long as it’s a fit with my brand and interests. Have something in mind? Let’s chat!
If you’re interested in knowing the specifics check out my LinkedIn.